Electric turret of the CNC lathe is a very important configuration of the CNC lathe machine. This CNC lathe electric turret can be installed with various tools for the processing of non-ferrous metals or cast iron workpieces.

Reasons And Solutions For The Failure Of The cnc lathe
Reasons And Solutions For The Failure Of The Electric Turret Of The CNC Lathe

How To Deal With The Fault Of The Electric Turret Of The CNC lathe

① Three-phase or missing phase of tool post motor

Check the external power supply or the two wires of the turret motor.

②The forward rotation control signal TL+ of the system has no output

Use a multimeter to measure the outlet end of the system, measure the +24V and TL+ contacts, and change the tool manually simultaneously to see if the output voltage of these two points has +24V. If the voltage does not exist, the system is faulty and needs to be sent to the factory for repair or replacement of IC Components.

③ Electric turret of the CNC lathe The output of the forward rotation control signal TL+ of the system is normal, but there is an open circuit or component damage in the control signal loop

Check whether the forward rotation control signal line is open circuit, check whether the contacts of this circuit are in good contact; check whether the DC relay or AC contactor is damaged

④The tool post motor has no power supply

Check whether there is an open circuit in the power supply circuit of the turret motor, whether the contacts are in good contact, and whether the strong electrical components are damaged; check whether the fuse is blown

⑤The pull-up resistor is not connected

Connect the tool position input signal to a 2K pull-up resistor. If this resistor is not connected, the tool post does not rotate on a macroscopic level. The actual action is to rotate forward and then reverse immediately so that the tool post does not seem to move.

⑥Mechanical stuck

Rotate the tool holder by hand, and judge whether it is stuck by the degree of tightness. If so, it is necessary to disassemble the tool holder, adjust the machine, and add lubricating fluid.

⑦Mechanical stuck due to long anti-locking time

Loosen the tool holder on the device, and then adjust the tool holder anti-lock time through system parameters

⑧ Damaged turret motor

Disassemble the turret motor, turn the turret to see if the motor rotates, if not, and then confirm that there is no problem with the circuit, replace the turret motor

⑨The motor of the tool holder is short-circuited due to water ingress

Dry the motor, install protection, and do insulation measures


HAISHU company specializes in the production of various forms of CNC lathes, such as horizontal, vertical, and inclined. We provide customized services for customers. Customers can put forward their own processing requirements, we customize the production. Our machines are highly efficient and feature dual-spindle and single-spindle configurations. Customers can come to the company to visit and inspect.